Vanilla Hemp Milk & Brekkie Bowl

Despite it’s title, Vanilla Hemp Milk only takes a few seconds to whip up. It’s an excellent nut free, soy free, dairy free milk alternative and adds a splash of sweet nutty vanilla flavouring to an otherwise ordinary Brekkie Bowl. And we’re not about ordinary here. Other than Chia seeds, Hemp seeds are one of the only foods to…

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Miso Beetroot Slaw

I never understood the appeal of beets, until my girls took a liking to what we call, Pink Juice. And when I say liking what I really mean is, became obsessed with. Around the same time that I tasted their pink juice and realised they were on to something, was around the same time I…

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Soup In a Jar

For all the girls out there wondering how to take a healthy lunch out on the road / on the run / at work, we’ve all seen the stacked Mason Jars filled with salad layers, but this idea takes warming, winter lunches to a whole new level. This healthy broth came about in attempt to fight off a cold,…

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Super Salmon Rainbow Bowl

  I guess I’ve said this before, and I guess I’ll say it again. Never underestimate the value of sitting down and taking a moment to nourish your self. I know how hard it is with little ones running around. I get it, once they’re asleep and the kitchen’s a mess who wants to waste time prepping more…

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Rainbow Remedy Slaw

All I can say is there’s good reason for that gorgeous block of dark mint chocolate bliss being pictured. I spent a long time feeling guilty every time I sat up late at night eating chocolate. It took a long time for me to find some compassion for myself and say hey, it’s ok. It’s…

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Macadamia and Cranberry Crunch

There is a golden rule when it comes to treats; If it’s home made, it will never have the same amount of sugar or fat that a company who is trying to sell you something will put in. That is, packaged food. This is especially true when it comes to treats for the kids. So, as my children quietly…

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Raw Rainbow Noodle Salad

It took me a while to jump on the ‘spiralizing trend’, but once I tried it, I was hooked. The fun part is the diversity in texture, which adds a whole new dimension to salads. I’m all for anything that makes ‘eating a rainbow’ even more appealing. That said, if you don’t yet own your own…

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Kakadu Plum and Buckwheat Green Smoothie Bowl

Kakadu Plum and Buckwheat Green Smoothie Bowl Kakadu plum is considered in Indigenous terms to be a Gift From The Dreamtime. Traditionally considered a healing remedy, this Australian superfood power house is bursting with Vitamin C and contains both antibacterial and anti viral properties. Added to your smoothie bowl or sprinkled over your breaky, it promises to deliver an…

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