Super Salmon Rainbow Bowl

  I guess I’ve said this before, and I guess I’ll say it again. Never underestimate the value of sitting down and taking a moment to nourish your self. I know how hard it is with little ones running around. I get it, once they’re asleep and the kitchen’s a mess who wants to waste time prepping more…

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Rainbow Remedy Slaw

All I can say is there’s good reason for that gorgeous block of dark mint chocolate bliss being pictured. I spent a long time feeling guilty every time I sat up late at night eating chocolate. It took a long time for me to find some compassion for myself and say hey, it’s ok. It’s…

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Macadamia and Cranberry Crunch

There is a golden rule when it comes to treats; If it’s home made, it will never have the same amount of sugar or fat that a company who is trying to sell you something will put in. That is, packaged food. This is especially true when it comes to treats for the kids. So, as my children quietly…

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